Meals on Wheels- New Routes
8th August 2024
Obair will be holding an information session in Inagh on Sept 6th with a view to bringing our Meals on Wheels Service to the area. We currently have 8 routes delivering meals daily in Co. Clare. Last year we expanded our service to include North Clare and the Tulla area. This year we are hoping to bring our service to Inagh and Kilrush areas.
If you are interested in volunteering please come along on the day or email us for further information at
If you know of anyone who is interested in availing of our Meals on Wheels service please fill out this application and return it to
Meals on Wheels Co Clare Application Form 120224
For further information on how the service works please see our information leaflet here:
Obair_Food4U Leaflet_New Market on Fergus CLG (1)